Friday, January 18, 2008

Robotics, useful or potentially dangerous?

Robots are created to mkae the world a better and easier place to live, and I have to admit, they have! Cars , computers, TV's....they have all been great! But what if they go too far? What if they try to invent something so crazy, so helpful, that the robots become so smart and everything becomes a total disaster. It could ruin life as we know it if roobots take over the world. Imagine, killer self automated lawn mowers, or self-controlling robots that are programmed to their advantage. It could be very disastrous for ALL of us!

Useful Robots

I think that advances in robotics are useful to society. They could take the jobs that are harmful or deadly to humans and perform them easily. They could ensure more safety than regular policemen and produce more products than a regular factory worker. I think that robots will make life much easier.

Advances in technology

Advances in technology aren't as great as we thought it would be, especially since the movies you see most often show robots eventually TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! If we humans don't watch our backs, the exact same thing could happen to us.

How advances in Robotics could help us!

Robots can be very helpful to us. They can make doing so much stuff easier and quicker. Take the microwave. It makes it so quick to cook food, unlike the oven which can take a lot longer. Also cars make getting to and from a place so easy and saves so much time. They also provide us with entertainment. Toys, video games, race cars, and TV's all keep us entertained all the time. As the years go on, the stuff will just get better and hopefully make America and the rest of the world a better place. This is why I think that advances in robotics could help this society.

Robotic Advancement

Robots are useful tools for getting things done, but what most people fail to see is the downside to making such advancements. For one, there are aspects of robotics that are potentially dangeroussuch as the risk of the robot (whatever it may be) malfunctioning and putting its intended audience in harm's way. Maybe a certain robot was designed to cook, and it ends up burning the house down. Although humans can do that themselves, shouldn't robots be a little more perfect? But then what if they were? Well, if they were, that leads us to my next point. If they were perfect then some of us would be put out of work, and what would there be left to do for those of us who enjoyed whatever we were doing in our daily lives before those metallic specimens took over? There is also always the worry of people using these advancements to create gain for themselves or pain for others. Basically, there are pros and cons about these technological wonders. It's human nature to see the bright side of things, but it's also human nature to point out the potential disaster that we could be making, enabling you to make an educated choice.

Robotic Advancements

Some people may think advancements to current technology is doomed for demise, like the ever so popular robots taking over the Earth controvery. Fortunately, unless you program a robot to do that, it won't. How could a robot possibly snap and go haywire and try to ruthlessly overpower us? Come on! They're thought processing capabilities can't exceed what their rogramming stops at. So let's just leave the fantasies to stories and cartoons.


Advances in robotics are useful because it is making human life easier. Most robots do more work than the average human can accomplish. In the future robots will most likely have a lot of jobs that humans would find most difficult. Those advances could be dangerous, because if all the jobs that help keep humans alive and active are taken, then human will slowly become fat and lazy.