Friday, January 18, 2008

Robotic Advancement

Robots are useful tools for getting things done, but what most people fail to see is the downside to making such advancements. For one, there are aspects of robotics that are potentially dangeroussuch as the risk of the robot (whatever it may be) malfunctioning and putting its intended audience in harm's way. Maybe a certain robot was designed to cook, and it ends up burning the house down. Although humans can do that themselves, shouldn't robots be a little more perfect? But then what if they were? Well, if they were, that leads us to my next point. If they were perfect then some of us would be put out of work, and what would there be left to do for those of us who enjoyed whatever we were doing in our daily lives before those metallic specimens took over? There is also always the worry of people using these advancements to create gain for themselves or pain for others. Basically, there are pros and cons about these technological wonders. It's human nature to see the bright side of things, but it's also human nature to point out the potential disaster that we could be making, enabling you to make an educated choice.

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